I signed up for a 50k.
31 miles.
Training starts tomorrow. LOL.
This whole thing is a bit surreal. This is not my first attempt at an ultra distance. I got into about 3 weeks of training in 2013 before I was sidelined with bursitis and then the news of baby #3.
A part of me is afraid that I'm jinxed. That something will happen and I won't get to the starting line. As I was brainstorming my training plan, I started to get overwhelmed. I took a deep breath and made myself a promise: I will take this 1 run at a time, 1 day at a time. I will only worry about the run I need to complete that day. Obsessing and worrying about monster miles in future will only cause me grief.
I'm going to be honest here: I am venturing into unknown territory. I'm going to be running A LOT. I'm not sure how my body or mind is going to handle this new challenge. I am hoping to post weekly about my training but I'm not making any promises. I'm probably going to be really tired. like all the time.
This week's mileage is pretty low key and a good entry into the training plan I've MacGyvered for myself. One of my biggest challenges is that I'm a domestic engineering goddess of 3 kids. I can either run early, run late, or drag a double stroller along. Generally, I will be running 5 days a week; T/Th/Sat will be early morning runs. Wednesdays with be stroller runs as I'm only willing to sacrifice morning toddler naps once a week. I'm not a masochist. Fridays will be afternoon trail runs. There will also be mommy naps. and coffee drinks. and a lot of running related laundry.
I'm nervous. and excited. and scared. and curious. and happy. and so many other feelings. This is going to be epic.
Week 1
6, 4, 4, Trails (distance varies), 10
previous post: a hard decision that wasn't really hard
It doesn't escape me that my previous post was all about how tired I was and how I needed a break and now I'm going to run a 50k. Pretty much the definition of irony huh?